5 tips to make your landing page convert

by | Mar 12, 2018 | WordPress website | 0 comments

What is a landing page? To put it very simply, a landing page is where your customer first land. Most of the time we call a sales page a landing page and the conversion for a sales page is fairly simple: you want to sell. Just a note, that even your home page is a landing page, so these tips can be applied to those pages as well. With these few simple tips, you can learn the basics of a good landing page design.

1. Use a page builder.

There are many services for this. My favourite one is DIVI. With the help of a page builder creating nice landing pages will be fun and you can use templates, that will give you ideas and inspiration on how to layout the information in an optimized way.

2. Offer value.

Your offer has to focus on solving a problem your client has. It needs to resonate with their lives and offer something they really desire. Then go above and beyond with offering valuable things free gifts, money-back guarantees. Break down why they should opt-in or why they should buy your product or service and why it solves their problem. Focus on your copy. When it comes to landing pages, copy and value you give are the biggest factors that influence conversion rate.

3. Keep it simple.

When it comes to landing page design, simple is the best. Don’t overuse images, headlines, colours. Your design has to focus on delivering the right information to your customers to make sure it is not disturbing for them but enables them to focus on the things that really matter.

4. Show social proof.

There are many different types of social proof. They could be testimonials; they could be case studies, it could be results that other people are experiencing, it could even be videos.

5. Create a video.

The video really helps with delivering information. You need a video that explains everything they’re going to get when they opt-in, buy your product, or sign up for your service. The video should be short and to the point. Under one minute is enough. It should describe everything in a logical order and it should answer most objections people have before they sign up or buy from you.

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