Should you use a page builder for your WordPress project?

by | Mar 11, 2020 | WordPress website | 1 comment

When I first started out building WordPress websites I was surprised how it is dependent on knowing some coding (HTML, CSS and PHP is a must for WordPress). We are capable of creating complete magazines without coding, so why should a website be different? I was happy to learn to code as I am an engineer type of person, but on the other hand, I was curious about what other methods out there for building websites. My first project with a page builder was with the Sydney theme. It uses SiteOrigin page builder and I was amazed how much quicker it is to build a website with a page builder. So I made a research and choose Beaver Builder as my first page builder.

Page Builder Pros:

  • Faster build time
  • Templates to give you ideas
  • Easy to create custom-looking pages
  • Easy to edit
  • Helpful community

Page Builder Cons:

  • Messier code
  • You’ll still need to know some code to make things look truly custom
  • Yearly license fees

Things I like about Beaver Builder

  1. I like the developers of the product and had great support experience with them
  2. There is a huge community behind it, and you can ask them for help on Facebook.
  3. If you decide to switch off the Page builder, the content remains without any extra code. The format will be lost, so it is extra work to make it look good again, but at least no strange codes.
  4. I could learn it very quickly and it was natural for me to use the Beaver Builder. I know it is very personal and for you, it might not be the easiest and most comfortable plugin.

Learn more about Beaver Builder.

There are two other very popular page builders on the market such as Elementor and DIVI.

DIVI page builder

Last year DIVI came out with version 4.0 and with it came a function that is really good: theme builder function. This means now you can build not just the content of your page with Divi, but also the header, footer and other parts of the website. It is really powerful and gives great flexibility to WordPress. It is a tool that makes building custom layouts more quickly. Time is really valuable, so it is important. It can reduce the costs of building a website.

As soon as I saw this new feature, I jumped in and now I started to use DIVI for my projects too.

Things I like about DIVI

  1. It is a very smooth user experience with the integrated theme.
  2. Cool design features and you can really fine-tune the style of every element.
  3. Quick workflow and easy to learn.
  4. Smart opt-in tool and social media sharing included.
  5. Big community and tones of smart tutorials about the usage of DIVI.
  6. If you choose the lifetime licence, there is no yearly fee.

Learn more about DIVI.

Hey there, I am Agnes. I can help you create your own WordPress website. Sign up to my free course.

Your voice matters.

1 Comment
  1. Maria Lin

    This is absolutely piece of gold written. I will surely try this. Sincerest wishes for your wellbeing.

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